Below are a list of costs for membership in Country Lane Co-op:
What are the Costs?
A Holding Deposit of $150.00, when a unit is offered to you, tells us you are serious about moving in; non-refundable if you change your mind. Refundable on move-out as a Maintenance Deposit, provided you leave your unit in clean condition with no damages.
First Month’s Housing Charges.
Member Deposit is (NOT ‘last month’s rent’) always equal to the current housing charge, and must be paid within 3 months. Members pay monthly housing charges, even their last month. The Member Deposit is refunded on move-out if unit is left in good condition with no damages.
Membership fee of $5.00 per member – non-refundable.
Monthly cable fee (determined each year) – non-negotiable.
Parking for second car is $10.00. No charge for one car. No more than 2 cars per unit permitted.
Members must pay their own telephone, insurance, internet and extra cable features.
Townhouses Only: Utilities must be paid in townhouses and stacked units. Apartments Only: Monthly air conditioner fee for each:
Window AC – $80.00 | Stand Alone AC – $50.00 Appliance
Appliance user fee for ground floor units only is $15.00 per compact appliance. Appliances (washer, dryer) not permitted in 2nd and 3rd floor units.
Application Form
Housing Charges
Monthly Charge
1 Bdrm Apt.
2 Bdrm Apt.
3 Bdrm Apt.
2 Bdrm Lower Stacked Townhouse
2 Bdrm Upper Stacked Townhouse
3 Bdrm Townhouse
*These units pay their own utilities.